Sunday, October 23, 2011

Halloween Party!

It was Halloween time in Chile on Friday night....well at least at my house!

I was a miner.....or construction supervisor.....or something......

We covered the whole spectrum from nuns to dark angels...

Dee Dee and Tamara

Barbara S and lovely!

 Hernan, Carmen, Ivonne, and Rick

The Graebe's were Dora and Diego

Ethel as a sexy nana

Romy and hubby

Noemi looking spooky!

Hanging on the patio

Corina and her husband

Carmen and Ethel

Hernan, Carmen, and Ethel

Ignacio...yeah mon!

Pamela and her husband

Javier and Maryln

Lina, Leni and Erika

Maida and her boyfriend

George and Kristen

Me watching Valentina make mango sours

Tamara brought a pet snake :)

Claudia (dark angel) Gia (clown) and Barbara (Pipi Long Stocking)

The Holy Ruslings

Father John and Sebastian the Gladiator

Costume contest winners!

Group shot

Roger, Freddy & his entourage :) , Ignacio and Lucie

9:00 pm 

2:00 am

Freddy and his girlfriend

Paula, Hernan, and Rafael

Maria, Erica, and Ethel

Eric (undercover cop) and Ignacio

Lucie and Rocio

Maria Jose, best flight attendant ever!

Me and Lucie

Neighbors :)

Thanks for coming everyone! I think it was the most entertaining Halloween party with the best costumes I've ever been to. Chile really knows how to do it up big for Halloween!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Baby Bennetts

Let me introduce you to the newest members of the family, my new cousins, Paul & Elise!



Grandma and Paul

Uncle Paul (Daddy)

Four weeks old

Mer Mer and da babies

Mommy and da babies

Can't wait to meet them!!!

Other baby updates:

Gio is prepping for Halloween!  I can't wait to see what his costume will be!

And this is the most recent shot I received of my baby. She likes to use CeeCee as a pillow on long car rides home from the Ranch. 

Will make a post next week after I have my Halloween costume party!  Halloween is relatively new in Chile, so we're going to do it up big!  Thanks to Trini for taking me decoration shopping and Kristen for bringing me candy corn from the States!  

Have a great week!!